I recently wrote this rant as a guest blog post for the fantastic site, Pretty Providence, written by two beautiful and passionate girls who adventure through life…
I recently wrote this rant as a guest blog post for the fantastic site, Pretty Providence, written by two beautiful and passionate girls who adventure through life…
“I still love books. Nothing a computer can do can compare to a book. People don’t want to read manuscripts. They want to…
“Sometimes I just wanted to raise my hands and stop. But stop what? Maybe just growing up.”— Patti Smith I’ve put an itsy-bitsy dent…
“Do one thing every day that scares you”– Eleanor Roosevelt Why? Okay fine, I understand why. Because it is important for personal development and…
“He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!”– Horace Dear Recent Graduate of the University of I-Wish-I-Could-Go-Back, You’re FREAKING out–…
I just wanted to go for a walk, that’s all. As we all do when we begin to feel suffocated by the…
Below is an exerpt from a non-fiction piece I wrote titled, “Follow the Leader”, which examines the different types of relationships I have experienced in my life…
“Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience… and pimples.” ―J.M. Barrie It was when i was 4 that i believed i could…
You used to believe the dentist was not human. This was when you were three and he would appear like a stealthy magician…
A girl who spit cookie in your hair from on top of the monkey bars at the age of four. A fellow dancer who…