Three years after pressing the send button on my very first book manuscript, where I exposed the most personal flutters of my love life, I am so over-the-moon pumped with precious joy to tell you that All My Friends are Engaged is FINALLY available as a paperback book.

There are 6 new love stories inside, so smooch them hello as you flip through the words with your darling fingertips. Use the book as a coffee-table coaster or to swat away the ruthless flies.

I’m just so happy to hold it, to hug it, to twirl it around in my oversized, lanky long arms. <3


Ps. Flip through it here!


Want to Make Monday a Little More Fun? Let’s Be Friends:

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See Last Week’s Treasures.

I’m Jen Glantz. I’ve been a published writer for over 13 years, spilling my words into magazines (ranging from style to scuba diving), newspapers, websites and even this one time, a speech, for someone who didn’t speak a word of English. What drives my words, my site, my writing, is the power of relating to people. I find that many people, especially young girls, feel so alone and quite often they feel embarrassed. I want to shatter those feelings! I want them to read what I write and understand that it’s okay to be a little outside of the box, but most importantly, that it is okay to just be who they are.

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