I graduated college 7-years-ago. I won’t even begin to try to tell all of you recent grads what I wished I knew at age…
I graduated college 7-years-ago. I won’t even begin to try to tell all of you recent grads what I wished I knew at age…
I haven’t worn makeup in a couple of months. I stopped wearing it because to wear makeup, you have to have time, energy and…
I can’t afford a therapist. The last one I went to was free until she wasn’t free anymore. I scored three free sessions with…
My parents are moving and moving means throwing a ton of stuff out because you cannot easily move stuff. Plus, there’s no room for stuff in a…
I am going to tell you a secret, though I doubt this secret is one you don’t already know. The absolute worst thing you…
On Saturday, I turned 29. I wanted to boycott my birthday this year. I have a lot of my mind. You wouldn’t guess that….
We all have people that we look at and say to our internal selves “wow, they are so much cooler than I am.” This…
I woke up at 7am in a cold sweat. Not like there’s anything strange about that – that is how I wake up most…
I went back last week. Back to college. I hadn’t been back there in a while. I wish I didn’t go back there. The second…
Valentine’s Day has evolved to mean many things to me but none of those things involve love. I was broken up with, once, on…